

Plant Identification Service at the Wanariset Herbarium (WAN)

A. Service Procedure

1. Onsite service

a. Please read and follow the specimen processing guide available to be downloaded on the website prior to your visit to WAN.

b.  Attach the following documents along with the specimens:

i. Identification request letter from an official institution (university, government organization, NGO, private company, etc.) or personal letter.

ii. A copy of valid client ID card (national ID card, student card, passport).

iii. Plant identification request form.

c. The client must complete the Plant Identification Request form available to be downloaded  on the website or can be requested directly  to the  herbarium staff at Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPSILHK) Samboja.

d. Specimens will be checked by the herbarium staff for the conditions and complicity for identification process. A receipt will  be provided to the client afterwards, containing information on : number of specimens, estimation date of  identification completion, and identification fee.

e. Both fresh and dried specimens will be separated accordingly.

f. Additional charge will be applied for fresh specimens that required to be dried .

g. If there are more than 50 specimens or if  there is any uncommon plants’ taxa it may require additional time  to identify, therefore estimation of the identification completion will be informed to the client one week after the specimens are accepted at the latest.

h. Specimens are distributed to the plant identifier or curator.

i. Result of the identification will be reviewed and approved by the DISP (Data, Informasi dan Sarana Penelitian/Data Information and Research Facility) Officer and be used to issue a letter of identification result.

j. Result of the identification can be obtained on sitet, or it can be sent by email, or postal service (delivery fee will be charged to the client) upon payment received.

2. Specimens sent by post/courier.

a. Address for specimens delivery:

Herbarium Wanariset (WAN),

Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPSILHK) Samboja

Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km. 38, Kel. Sungai Merdeka, Kec. Samboja, Kab. Kutai Kartanegara, Kaltim.


b. Please use an express delivery service to avoid specimens decay or defective. WAN is not responsible and can not accept any decay or defective specimens caused by delivery system.

c. Attach the following documents along with the specimens :

I. Identification request letter from an official institution (university, government organization, NGO, private  company, etc.) or personal letter.

II. A copy of valid client ID card (national ID card, student card, passport).

III. Plant identification request form.

d. Additional charge will be applied for fresh specimens that need to be dried. 

e. If there are more than 50 specimens or if there is any uncommon plants’ taxa, it may require additional time to identify, therefore the estimation of  identification completion will be informed to the client one week after the specimens are accepted at the latest.

f. Client will be notified regarding ut the specimens’ treatment and payment procedure.

g. Specimens will be processed upon confirmation and agreement from the client.

h. If the specimens need to be returned, the delivery cost will be charged to the client.

i. Letter of identification result will be sent to client by e-mail or postal/courier service.

B. Service Hours

1. Identification request and result collection :

Monday-Thursday : 9 AM-12 PM and 1 - 3 PM

Friday : 9 - 11.30 AM and 1.30 -3.30 PM

2. Standard period for identification process is 15 working days, depend on the number of specimens and taxa information.

3. Client will be notified by our staff once the identification process is completed earlier or need additional time.

C. Service fee Identification

1. Student : Rp. 50.000/sample

2. Public : Rp. 75.000/sample

D. Service Product

Letter of identification result authorized by Head of Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPSILHK) Samboja.