About/Facility & Human Resources

Facility & Human Resources

Facility and Human Resource


§ The Wanariset Herbarium is a  three floors building, the first and second floors are designed for herbarium storage, and the third floor is  for working space.

§ Collection cabinets consist of 1,176 wood boxes capable to store 150,000 herbarium specimens, and 66 boxes to store wood collection (Xylarium).

§ Four deep freezers with 22 boxes capacity, each for specimens freezing maintenance and four units of  air conditioner to maintain room the temperature.

§ One unit desktop for data base (BRAHMS) and work analysis

§ Manual drawing table and optical with two microscopes for plants illustration  and specimens identification

§ Four unit of working table for mounting and sorting of the specimens

§ One unit of herbarium oven for specimens drying process

The Wanariset Herbarium management consist of a chairman, a manager, a curator, a plant identification specialist, an artist, afacility maintenance officer, a researcher, and three data base officers.